My dictionary for easy-getting the latest and most interesting sexual fashions 😎

• PANSEXUAL: a person who basically eats everything with a (human) head on top of it 😎
• NON-BINARY: a person who is above those human limitations of identifying oneself as female or male. That is just too 1990 (as for the 'transgender' and 'androgenous' concepts). A real man or a real woman is... well, is both. Simultaneously 😎
• POLIAMOROUS: because these people have such an huge heart with too much free space in it for only one person at a time, the next obvious generous choice is to share it with many at the same time (specially when the interested one is a male and the targets are obviously females.
Also because an "open relationship" might be dishonest. Not this case, where every girl knows of the other).
Please not to be mistaken by 'pan-poliamorous'. SAY WHAT? 😮
• ASSEXUAL: a person who carries an hormonal malfunction since puberty and haven't realized it (still)? 😒
• BI-CURIOUS: either a heterossexual person who got so disappointed, therefore fed up, with people from the opposite gender, either a person who was always bi or homosexual to start with but only now is finally feeling it 😎
• GENDER-FLUID: a person who lost so much touch with her / his sexual identity that has her / his brain melting down (thus, the 'fluid' part of the term).
• QUEER: self-explanatory 😎
• THIRD-GENDER: errr, wtf?! Also known as 'I'm a free being, my own being so I shall defy the laws of the Universe, who gives a f_ck!'


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